Action Needed! Help Stop These Bad Bills

By Liz Froelich, LRWF legislative liaison

These bills are now in one of the Appropriation Committees or on the 3rd reading on the floor of the Assembly or Senate.  Our Assembly persons and our Senator should be contacted and urged to oppose these bills.

 AB 2098    Physicians and Surgeons: unprofessional conduct. 
Threatens medical personnel who disagree with the American Medical Association and the Biden administration about patient treatment protocols.  In Senate Suspense File

AB 1797 Registry.  Privacy of data is compromised. 
Merges state vaccine registries to include data on Covid -19 vaccinated persons  which would be made public in case of public emergency. In Senate Suspense File.

AB 2223 Reproductive Health. 
Decriminalizes abortions during entire pregnancy including "perinatal death due to causes which occurred in utero."   Perinatal death is used in amended version and could be up to one month after birth.  Cf  Sec. 7.   In Senate Suspense File.

SB 866 Family Code Related to minors. 
Minors age 15 and older would be permitted to determine for themselves whether to be vaccinated or not.  No parental involvement. Third Reading on floor of Assembly.

Please contact your representatives at their local offices:

Senator Steve Glazer: 925-258-1176
Assemblyman Tim Grayson: 925-521-1511
Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer Kahan: 925-244-1600


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