Are EVs Really “Green”?

By Mark Fernwood, a member of the Contra Costa Republican Central Committee and Danville resident.

Today, we are in the midst of a huge push into EVs (electric vehicles.)  We are told this will save the planet, and that EVs are the future.  First, how “green” are EV’s actually?  Superficially, it would seem that the claim of the left has to be true, but is it actually?  The “Greenness” would depend on the power source.  In the US, 61 percent of the electricity is produced by fossil fuels.  That means that that EV is mostly, a remotely coal and natural gas-powered car.

How much CO2 will be produced by forcing the early scrapping of older gas cars and forcing the purchase of new EV’s?  The cost and CO2 released by such a massive manufacturing endeavor has to be huge.  How many can afford to buy an expensive new car? How many live in apartments with no place to charge?

EV’s are a specialty car, best used for round trips within the car’s charging range.  Stopping to recharge is slow, often four hours, and only if a charge station is available. In an age of black-outs due to power shortages, there is great concern of inadequate infrastructure to charge a large number of EVs at night.

While it is proven that CO2 is a green-house gas, it is actually not the primary green-house gas; that gas is water vapor (.4% to 2%). How significant is CO2 in warming?  CO2 is a trace gas at only .04% of the atmosphere.  It takes more imagination than I have to believe .04% of our sky is controlling everything.   (Google: “percent of CO2 in air”)

Few realize that the claim of catastrophic Global Warming is not based on measurements,  but on computer models.  Computer models programed with assumptions called “forcings.” According to the model projections we are supposed to be an era of ever escalating warming!  The actual fact is that there has been no Global Warming since 1998 (Google: “Global Warming pause.”)  This fact alone invalidates the models.  In real science, when observations defy predictions, predictions are discarded.

Climate Change is the rebranding of Global Warming to distract attention from the lack of warming.  This also allows any bad weather to be blamed as “Climate Change.”  The claim of Climate Change is based on man-caused, significant warming resulting in dangerous weather.  The simple fact is that, “no warming = no Climate Change.

What is behind this movement is a vast increase in governmental power and the transfer of trillions through “carbon taxes.”  Fear causes people to make irrational decisions.  Such “cures” would be catastrophic to our economy and quality of life.

EVs:  The Volvo Study

Are Electric Cars REALLY That Green? [New 2022 Data] - YouTube   10 min

US Electricity by Source  US Energy Information Administration,was%20from%20renewable%20energy%20sources.     Article

The Great Global Warming Swindle:. A broadcast quality documentary featuring significant scientists  1hr 15min


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