China: Our Major Global Threat

Nan Su and Eve Gordon, LRWF president

By Julie Lynch, LRWF Board Member

Pleasant Hill, Sept. 15, 2022. Nan Su, the Asia correspondent for the Epoch Times, spoke at the LRWF luncheon today on the topic of “China’s Global Expansion, Past and Future.” And he gave some grave warnings.

Su began his talk by comparing the global threat of Russia vs. China. Since China’s annual GDP is $16.9 trillion and Russia’s is $1.65 trillion, it is evident that Russia has the economic power of one of China’s 31 provinces. China acts as Russia’s bank, buying their gas and oil. In fact, China made a huge buy right before Russia invaded Ukraine. With that money, Russia is able to purchase weaponry from North Korea.

China has been engaged in military drills around Taiwan. Its objective? Control of the South China Sea. This large waterway is the lifeline of Japan, and would allow China to ultimately control Japan. In fact, China wants to control the entire Indo-Pacific region, which contains half of the world’s population and includes India, Australia, and the 10 southeast Asia nations of ASEAN. China calls Southeast Asia its “backyard garden.”

Iran is another big oil supplier to China. Iran and China are connected by Pakistan and Afghanistan. With the fall of Afghanistan there is now a corridor for gas and oil to flow straight to China, and for China to access shipping in the Persian Gulf. Su says a big camp is forming: Russia, China, Afghanistan, and Iran, with the leader being China.

China’s strategy is to build roads, bridges, buildings, internet, and other infrastructure in third world countries. Although everything is provided by China, the countries find themselves in China’s debt. This “debt-trap diplomacy” leads to influence and control.

Su says that many Americans have a distorted view of China. China is not a capitalist system; the government controls everything and there are no property rights. Many Americans say that China will eventually collapse. However, the US is actively preventing this. We directly invest in China, sending them hundreds of billions of dollars per year and making them the best enemy money can buy.

China’s communist regime has been the most powerful in history and is an enormous threat to humanity. They control a population of 1.4 billion people. They have killed millions of their own citizens. They are a leader in technology (much of it given by the US) and in military might. Their economic power has grown ten times over the last 20 years, thanks to the US giving them manufacturing status and allowing them into the World Trade Organization. We cannot negotiate with China and expect political reform. We must not consider them a global competitor. Instead we must face reality and view China as a global threat.

What can we do? The most important step is to stop the money flowing to China. Stay out of trade organizations with China and keep the Trump tariffs. Don’t invest in Vanguard or Blackrock which are heavily invested in China. Invest American, buy American. Petition our leaders to stop allowing China’s purchase of our farmlands. Most importantly, vote for people who understand the China threat and who have the courage to stand up for American sovereignty.


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