Dams Needed To Mitigate Droughts
Mark Fernwood
Note: As we head into summer facing another severe drought, Mark Fernwood, a member of the Contra Costa Republican Central Committee and Danville resident, identifies the solution.
By Mark Fernwood
California, has a very long history of cyclical droughts, some lasting several hundred years. Studies of tree rings, sediments and other evidence have shown that in the year 840 there was a 240 year long drought, later followed by a 180 year drought. California experienced droughts in 1841, 1864, 1924, 1928–1935, 1947–1950, 1959–1960, 1976–1977 and 2006–2010.
The period of modern habitation of CA, has actually been an unusually wet period, compared to the very long term. The virtual certainty of continued droughts should motivate us to demand a return to Governor Edmond G. Brown’s (Dem) far sighted California Water Plan. He planned new dams that were scheduled to be added in phases with population increases. Since Edmond Brown, no new dams been constructed despite a 43% population increase to date. Water shortages are actually of our own making, driven by the lefts alignment with environmental extremists.
More than half of the fresh water flowing into the Delta is allowed to flow out to the ocean, unused. The claims are that this is necessary to protect the “Delta Smelt” and to introduce non-indigenous salmon. A subsequent CA State study shows that the fish are victims of “a non-indigenous striped bass.” The bass were deliberately introduced for fishermen. The “Delta Smelt” is not even a unique species of smelt, which is a very common fish. The smelt were classified as “endangered” as they were classified as a “sub-species,” due to their unique location.
The lakes, that dams create, are habitats for a wide variety of wildlife from fish to surrounding animals to waterfowl. Dams add beauty, water and life for all.