Five Things Every Patriot Can Do to Win the 2024 Election

Captain Seth Keshel

Five Things Every Patriot Can Do to Win the 2024 Election
by Captain Seth Keshel

AUG 28

What can we do to win the next election?

I hear it all the time, and every time, it is asked with sincerity and with the desire to have the right things happen, such as seeing the certified election results reflect the will of the people.  While many have unfortunately given in to cynicism, pessimism, or outright despair, a plan of action must take precedent over any competing thoughts.

This is why I’ve come up with the acronym LIVES (as in fight for your lives).  Don’t fault me for creating yet another acronym; you can take the officer out of the Army, but you can never take the Army out of the officer.  For patriots to have the best chance to win a corrupt quasi-election in 2024, we must take an active role individually, and bring others along with us.

L is for LEAD

My father was fond of saying, “10% of the people lead the way; 90% are just along for the ride.”  Likewise, many are expecting an election integrity solution to materialize out of thin air.  For the aspiring leaders out there, the Republican Party desperately needs precinct captains (also known as precinct committeemen, and by other titles) to step up.  I am far from fond of the GOP, but it remains the only viable option for electing President Trump and other patriots in 2024.

Maricopa County, Arizona, which is arguably ground zero for the election integrity crisis, has 57% of its Republican precinct captain slots vacant nearly three years after the 2020 “election” there threw the political world into a state of serious upheaval.  Gina Maloney, Legislative District 5 chairwoman for the Maricopa GOP, is an example of a business leader who stepped away to focus on bringing change for good, and I’ve worked hand in hand with her to help bring awareness to and fill Maricopa’s vacancies.  That effort has led to more participation in staffing these critical roles from other activists around the country, like Oklahoma’s Wendi Dial.  For more on these opportunities, check with your county Republican Party and visit Dan Schultz’s excellent Precinct Strategy website.

We must fill the basic leadership positions to have even the slightest chance to win this uphill battle in the long run.  Check with your county’s Republican Party today (you can find all relevant contact information online) to get an official listing of vacancies and consider throwing your chips to the center of the table.  This will give you a chance to impact the party with your views and the views of the freedom movement, which is expecting monumental reform.  Patriots in Forsyth County, Georgia, have filled 100% of their precinct captain allotment.  It can and must be done.


I have been on the case of the 2020 election since it was still underway (you can find most of my early reports on, as have thousands of you reading this article; unfortunately, very little by way of investigating has been undertaken by the flagship Republican Party, neither in obtaining clarity to the glaring deficiencies in our elections, nor in filling those treacherous potholes.  Investigators may also be leaders, like Toni Shuppe and Karen Taylor from Audit the Vote PA, who have organized canvassing groups that have shown massive mail-in ballot corruption in Pennsylvania’s 2020 election, and most states have grassroots groups who have organizing substantial canvassing teams that are so effective, they’ve been maligned and even ordered to shut down.  Many attorneys have been sanctioned for operating within the confines of law to obtain transparency for citizens voting in corrupt elections.

Other patriots have investigated at the next level up, outlining and defining clear violations of law, publicizing it, and laying the groundwork for forcing government accountability.  Taking Back Texas has provided outstanding reports pertinent not only to corruption in Texas, but replicable from coast to coast.  Activists in Gwinnett County, Georgia have succeeded in applying state law to election corruption and have pushed voter roll corruption to trial because they were diligent in accurately identifying voter registrations tied to P.O. boxes, which violates state law.

While we may not get the court rulings we want yet thanks to judicial corruption, we must prepare fields to receive rain, get corruption on the record, and know the truth about our elections system.  Consider applying your research skills to working with some of the great grassroots teams in your state.


One may volunteer to lead or investigate, but in this section, I’m referring specifically to volunteering to oversee the administration of elections.  Poll watchers are needed to protect against the most basic forms of election manipulation, voter fraud and precinct-level election maladministration.  It may not be fancy, but most of the critical oversights, shortcuts, tricks, and tactics used to shortcut election law have been identified by everyday citizens operating as poll watchers.  Consider volunteering in one of these rolls if the pressures of leadership are not for you.  Leaders, consider learning about poll watching and scheduling in-person or remote training.

Another opportunity servicing direct administration of elections is to apply to be an election judge.  This position comes with serious authority and may be a paid position depending on the county.  Missoula County, Montana, has a good description of the duties of an election judge.  For those interested in knowing more about becoming one, contact retired Colonel Theodore Croy, an election judge in McLennan County, Texas, at

With presidential elections kicking off in September 2024 in some states, there is too much at risk to stay sidelined when you can easily dedicate a few weekends to train and recruit, and then execute these duties for the relatively small window of time in your life these elections occupy.  Stand up and set the example for your community by volunteering to serve, regardless of age, disability, obligations, or any other self-imposed limitation.  Your work is necessary to save this country.

E is for ENGAGE

Banish the thought of “we will never win another election again” from your mind, at least for the next 14 months.  Getting as many legitimate votes as possible, combined with eliminating as many fraudulent ones as can be done, is the only chance there is to carry elections for candidates who strive to represent We the People.

Statistical analysis is valuable for identifying patriot areas all the way down to the precinct to target for voter registration drives.  Everyone reading this piece likely knows multiple Christian conservatives who are either not registered to vote or are sitting on ineligible registrations due to a recent move, name change, or other technicality.  I will highlight the areas that are most critical for voter registration drives in all key counties, but the man or woman in the mirror must put in the legwork.  Have you checked with all your like-minded friends and family to see if they are correctly registered to vote, and can legally cast a ballot in the upcoming elections?

For all our options for enhanced connectivity, we are ironically less connected than ever before.  Social media gives us a great tool for spreading the word, but we cannot be distracted by drama and infighting to the point we can’t promote our ideas and attract candidates for all offices that appear on a ballot, have them funded, and ultimately get them nominated and elected.

Finally, turning out the vote must happen, and preferably in person and on Election Day.  Some states, like Colorado or Washington, do not offer those options, so tailor my message to fit your county or state.  This is the primary responsibility of the precinct captain, which is described earlier in this article under the section entitled “lead.”

S is for SHOW UP

Sometimes I hear feedback that goes, “we went to our commissioners, and they said we are conspiracy theorists, and they won’t listen.”  When I ask how many times and with how many people they went with, it usually turns out they went alone, and only once.  As I recall, Moses petitioned Pharaoh at least ten times to free the Hebrews from slavery, and each time, he outlined what would occur if that did not happen as demanded.

In America, we have the law, and ideally, just courts to uphold it.  Even making it to the base camp of a court of law requires a paper trail of trying to get elected officials to do the right things, and detailed records of the dereliction of duty at all levels of government in addressing violations of law, such as the canvassing findings outlining fraudulent registrations, like these found by Wisconsin patriots:

Early patriots met in churches and taverns to lay out the way ahead when all seemed bleak.  For now, we don’t have to lay low, even though mandates and restrictions are intended to suppress such freedom gatherings.  It is important to attend local meetings and events if they are geared toward unifying on a line of effort to approach local magistrates with.  When these magistrates won’t move on addressing obvious corruption, their efforts need to be highlighted outside of the vacuums in which freedom fighters share their news to the choir.

We have patriots with wealth.  We need to figure out how to use them to highlight malfeasance.  Why aren’t canvassing results like those shown above from Wisconsin featured on full page advertisements in newspapers, or perhaps meeting highlights spread with online advertising to create pressure on officials to act in accordance with the law?

Everyone can write letters to the editor to reach older audiences, and some may even have the marbles to file lawsuits, like my friend Robert Beadles in Nevada.  He has challenged Nevada Senate Bill 406, signed by Republican Governor Joe Lombardo, which makes it a felony to harass, intimidate, or threaten election workers.  Of course, you aren’t the one who gets to determine what constitutes harassment, intimidation, or threatening behavior.  Robert has taken his lumps from the press but continues to stand as a voice for freedom.

Finally, showing up boldly and in big numbers to all local government meetings, all the way down below the county level, is important for showing that, yes, we do care about the dealings of government and are aware of wrongdoing.  Retired Army Master Sergeant Jack Dona of Cochise County, Arizona, is a shining example of such engagement and has shown the way for all citizens to dial up pressure on local magistrates in an irrefutable fashion.


Will these action items guarantee a satisfying election, or quasi-election, in 2024?  No, they will not; however, a surefire way to guarantee a dissatisfying election in 2024 is to sit on our asses and hope unicorns and tooth fairies show up with a quarter million extra ballots at 3:45 in the morning to offset the other side’s antics.  Baseball fans realize a batter can hit a 110 mile-per-hour line drive right at an infield for an out, but sometimes shank a ball off the fists that falls in behind first for a double.  Consistent, hard contact, however, will result in long term success at the plate, and likewise, 3,143 county equivalents’ worth of diligence, persistence, hard work, and effort puts us in the best position possible to assert ourselves in modern elections, positioning our people for meaningful and lasting reform.

Author’s Note: This piece contains a critical action plan and is open to all my SubStack subscribers.  I am all in and have been for nearly three years.  I appreciate your readership, and if you’d like to help support my mission, please consider upgrading to a paid membership to this journal.  Thank you, and happy fighting.

Five Things Every Patriot Can Do to Win the 2024 Election (


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