Radical Islam, the Left, and Democrats


Reagan gave us a safe future, free from the threat of nuclear attack by the Soviets but the Democrats replaced that threat with the modern terrorist state of Iran.  Iran, today, is the world financier and fomenter of international Islamic terrorism.

Democrats have long shown a fondness for the Islamic state.  They followed the international left in regarding the “Palestinians” as a repressed people, victimized and exploited by the West. Israel, as an alley of the US, makes them even more hated.  Marxists believe government should control all.  Islamists believe their Islamic state, should also be controlling all.

During the time of President Carter, Iran was ruled by the “Shaw,” Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. The Shaw was a Western oriented ruler that opposed ancient Islamic traditions.  He gave full and equal rights to women.  He suppressed and jailed radical extremists. He worked with international petrol companies to develop Iran’s great resources and used the money to develop Iran into a modern country.  He made Iran an ali of the US. 

The Shaw was a hard ruler, jailing rebellious extremists that hated his Western policies as being anti-Islamic.  President Carter declared the Shaw as a violator of his “human rights” policy.  Interestingly Carter had no problem with the vast tyranny of the Soviet world. 

Carter used the CIA with Operation Ajax to over throw the Shaw in 1979.  US arms that were paid for, were denied to the Shaw.  The Shaw was driven into exile and the radical Muslim cleric, the Ayatollah was brought back from exile in France on US transport.  He formed the “Islamic Revolution” and still heads the country as the “Supreme Leader.” 

In 2014, Obama exchanged the Army defector, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, for 5 Taliban terrorist Commanders in Guantanamo Bay.  What a deal !…..(for the Taliban.)

Obama Flew $400 million in actual cash to Iran.  The cover story was for the release of 4 US hostages, a violation of standing US policy of never paying ransom. He signed the “Iran Nuclear Deal” giving a clear path, for Iran, to develop nuclear weapons.  Iran vows to “wipe Israel off the map” and to attack the “Great Staten.”  We are the “Great Saten” to them.  Trump disavowed the Iran Deal and Biden has tried hard to reinstitute it.  

Biden has outdone them all when he abandoned Afghanistan to the Taliban terrorists (that organized the 9-11 attacks).  In the process, “bumbling” Biden left behind $66 billion in cash and our latest military equipment.  Also left behind were an undisclosed number of US citizens and Afghan alias, to the terrorist Taliban. This trumpeted US weakness and incompetence.  It shouted that the US will not keep its promises. Biden reinstituted the US aid to the “Palestinian Authority” (PA) the corrupt official government that includes Hamas.  Trump terminated these payments due to their terrorism. The PA has a long running policy of paying huge cash rewards to terrorists and their families.  This has been called, “Pay for Slay.”

Biden, has eased economic sanctions on Iran and even released $6 billion to Iran as part of a prisoner, 5 for 5, exchange. Even worse, Biden removed the economic trade sanctions, imposed by Trump.  This has allowed Iran to greatly increase oil sales to $60 B per year.

These actions gave Iran much needed cash expedite their nuclear weapon program and to fund terrorism.  Iran is believed to be behind the terror attack on Israel. Biden served as the perfect “cover- story” to pull this off without showing that this is long term Democrat Party policy

Only a few days ago, Biden announced he was sending $100M to the PA and Gaza. How much should we give?  Guess how much US humanitarian aid was sent to Nazi Germany during WW2 ?

Mark Fernwood


Why Isn't There a Palestinian State? - YouTube  5 min

What Is Palestine? Who Are The Palestinians? - YouTube   15 min

US Urged to End Palestinian ‘Pay-for-slay’ - YouTube    2 min

https://www.cnn.com/2016/08/03/politics/us-sends-plane-iran-400-million-cash/index.html   article

Larry Kudlow: When will Congress restore sanctions on Iran? - YouTube    5 min




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