Major Victory—Vaccine Passport Bill Dead For The Year


Assemblyman Kevin Kiley reported late today that he has received word that the vaccine passport bill, AB 455, is “dead for the year. We’ve won a major victory. “

The California Assembly was considering taking up mandatory vaccine passports as early as this week. The amendments to AB 455 (currently a transportation bill) would essentially segregate Californians by unfairly discriminating against, denying service to, and even impoverishing citizens. In addition, the proposed bill would require every employee anywhere in California to get the "jab" or take a weekly test showing a "negative" result.

AB 455, as proposed, would be "gutted and amended" by six Democrats, including Richard Pan of Sacramento and Scott Wiener of San Francisco. Its worst part would require most Californians to show proof of injection with a "Covid vaccine" by displaying a card or paper or a digital document -- or else they cannot enter most "places of public accommodation," which is very broadly defined in California law to apply to nearly every type of commerce.


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Step Up To Fight Vaccine Passports