Series Outlines Threats to U.S. Citizenship
Victor David Hansen
NOTE: This is a reprint from the Contra Costa Republican Party, District 5 newsletter. To see the newsletter go here:
By Wayne Pope, Contra Costa Republican Party District 5 chairman.
American Citizenship and It’s Decline
A Mini-online video series by Victor Davis Hanson
Did you know that only half of today’s population can be characterized as true citizens?
Citizenship emerged in the eight-century BC in ancient Greece in part to legally protect private property ownership.
Citizens are people defined as having the ability to determine the laws under which they live and how those laws are enforce. Citizens determine the basic economic, social, and political structure of their society.
Our founding fathers ensured that we have the benefits to citizenship through our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
However, our Citizenship and its many benefits are in decline. These are some of the threats to our Citizenship here in the U.S.:
Identity: tribal politics based on race.
Borders: dedication of citizens to a common idea requires a defined space within which it can be pursued. Today, we are abandoning the notion of a border altogether and allowing people to enter without a plan to assimilate them.
Our middle class provides stability to our society as the poor are too dependent on the state and the wealthy become too powerful and often corrupted. Today, our middle class is eroding.
We are administered by a vast and growing group of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats.
Globalism: a growing elite movement to surrender national sovereignty to international powers.
Here are the seven chapters in this excellent mini course by Victor Davis Hanson.
1. The History of Citizenship in the West
2. The Disappearing Middle Class
3. Illegal Immigration and the Loss of National Sovereignty
4. The Rise of Tribal Politics
5. The Unelected and Unaccountable Deep State
6. The Erosion of the Constitution
7. The Global Elite and the Great Reset
Victor Davis Hanson (Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University) has done a great job of presenting these real threats to our democracy in a miniseries of seven 30-minute lectures at Hillsdale College online courses. The courses are free. I highly recommend taking the time to watch this series based on Victor’s new book, “The Dying Citizen”. If you are interested, you can access at: Course - American Citizenship and Its Decline | Hillsdale College Online Courses