Tax Hikes Looming In State & Local Budgets

Note: Mike Netter was the main proponent for the official drive to recall Gavin Newsom. Below is his 6/12/23 Tweet.

Mike Netter


Upcoming tax hikes we’re fighting in California June 15 is the deadline for passage of California’s state and local budgets and here’s a list of costly tax hikes politicians are weighing: •Savings Tax creates a new tax to go after your investments and bank accounts. •Income/Payroll Taxes: one proposed tax hike costs $16k per household •Gross Receipts Tax: businesses would be taxed on their transactions, not just their income. •Exit Tax: to punish those that flee the state. •Mileage Tax: 6 cents per mile you drive – or $900 per driver per year. •Utility Tax: based on your income – higher rates if you “earn too much” •Local sales and property tax hikes: over counted over 100 of those statewide Help us fight at


Call to Action to Oppose CA #AB665, #AB957, AND #AB223


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