The Rise Of The Bureaucratic “Scientist”
Mark Fernwood
By Mark Fernwood, a member of the Contra Costa Republican Party and a Danville resident.
We are pummeled with “follow the science.” Any subject that is controversial means that the science is not settled, no matter how many times we are told otherwise.
The recent COVID pandemic is certainly a case in point. Dr. Anthony Fauci declared, “I am science.” Could there possibly have been a more arrogant declaration? The mantel of “science” has been used as a club to beat-down dissent. Fauci was appointed as Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. Many assume his title makes his opinions supreme. Our leftist media worshiped him. To judge how correct this assumption was, consider what he led us into:
He used National Institute of Health monies to fund gain-of-function “research” at the Wuhan Lab in China. The very lab that most likely bio-engineered this deadly virus. Gain-of-function means genetically modifying a harmless virus to make it far more deadly and easily communicable to humans. This really is the definition of bioweapon engineering. It is no surprise Fauci has strongly opposed the Lab-leak origin.
Fauci demanded that the “China Strategy,” of “lock-downs” be mandated. A policy that, with prior pandemics, has never been used in the US before. A policy without any scientific basis. A policy that the recent John Hopkins study has shown to have been a disaster and has resulted in far more deaths than it prevented, not to mention the great economic and personal harm that resulted. This was a “Meta Study” that included all existing studies.
Fauci demanded we wear masks for personal protection against the virus. Again, another unscientific mandate. This too was shown to be false by the release of the, highly respected, Cochrane medical study. The study concluded that the masks really did no good. This also was an inclusive “Meta Study” that included many prior studies.
Fauci also condemned the use of certain therapeutics, like hydroxychloroquine. A medicine that is well studied and widely used. It is very cheap and has little to no side effects.
This celebrated “expert” led us into a total dead end, wrong on every point. This “expert” had a hand in the creation of the pandemic itself.
file:///C:/Users/mfern/Documents/Web%20&%20computer/web%20links/Pandemics/A-Literature-Review-and-Meta-Analysis-of-the-Effects-of-Lockdowns-on-COVID-19-Mortality%20(1).pdf Lockdowns article: Masks & Cochrane Study Chart: The history of Pandemics