Voter Schizophrenia?
By Mark Fernwood, a member of the Contra Costa Republican Central Committee and a Danville resident.
The 2022 Midterm elections should bring questions to most: With polls showing 75% voter disapproval, even anger, over the direction of our country, how could there not be the widely predicted “Red Wave?” While we did take control of the House, we failed to take the Senate. Political pundits, on both sides, assumed there would be a massive backlash against Democrats.
My only answer is the voters did not understand who to blame! This was largely due to a very complicit US press that covers for the Dems. A press that makes endless excuses for the disasters Dem policies have brought us. Putin is blamed for our historic inflation, not the reckless spending and money printing. The vast increase in crime is blamed on a “lack of reasonable gun control.” The dismal results of public education is largely ignored. The “Lame Stream Press” used to be investigative to uncover the facts, but that was long ago.
The traditional roles of political parties is organizing and fundraising. I believe we are in an information war. We can ignore this at our own peril. While this may seem like a hopeless battle, consider what the left must ‘sell:’ essentially slavery to the State. While the speakers the Republican clubs often provide great information, we are playing only to ourselves and only very occasionally. I suggest the following:
Republican Club web sites should have a link labeled “LIBRARY.” This link would offer a drop-down page featuring a series of links to short videos on a variety of subjects. The video links, by various producers, can be found on YouTube for free. Best choices are well directed, short (most 5 min), and presented by very creditable speakers. Suggested producers are: PragerU, LearnLiberty, LibertyPen, Stossel, CDU (Climate Discussion Nexus) and California Insider. This would allow current Republicans and potential Republicans to rapidly become informed on selected issues. An informed person is far more likely to remain committed and be comfortable discussing issues.
Email friends and contacts on issues occasionally. Less is best, perhaps one per week at most. Video links from the Library would be easy to copy and send. I recommend always listing the number of minutes of video length. It is easy to create a favorite large list of emails: Paste emails, one after the other, to a Word document. Later just copy, then paste to the BCC line and send.
Those that are good writers should submit to the Letters to the Editor section of local newspapers. Expect only some will get published but odds greatly improve when the newspapers printed rules are closely followed. It also helps to reference and “respond” to a recent article in that publication.
What Happened in the Midterm Election? | Victor Davis Hanson #clip - YouTube 12 min
Why the Right Is Losing and the Left Is Wrong - YouTube 9 min