What is Western Civilization?

What is “Western Civilization?”

By: Mark Fernwood

The far left has long been at war with our Western culture. They despise individuals pursuing self-interest rather than working for the goals of the state. Their banner cry is “multiculturalism,” the idea that all cultures are equal, even if they are different.

Many know Western Civilization & Culture largely originated from ancient Rome. This was greatly influenced our Judeo-Christian background. It also is the backbone of our modern view on scientific reasoning. Most do not realize that Rome derived its views from the even more ancient culture of Greece. Greece was the seat of Aristotle & Plato and the development of scientific fact-based reasoning. The artistic and architectural designs from ancient Greece, later adopted by Rome, are still greatly admired today.

The Hebrew Bible, from which Judaism and Christianity grew, resulted in an ethical framework for a just, vibrant and prosperous modern society.

Prior to this, the “understanding” of nature was often based on the whims of many gods, not natural laws. Greece established that nature operated from natural scientific laws and were consistent and understandable.

In 1776 Adam Smith published “The Wealth of Nations.” It was a reasoned and historically based examination into what policies and factors have proved to create prosperity. Smith’s three main principles for prosperity are: the individuals pursuit of self-interest, freedom of trade and division of labor. Prior prevailing thought was national wealth could only be achieved by conquest and having subject nations. The system of subject nations was called “colonialism.” A subject people is primary principle of, feudalism, and now socialism.

In a fair assessment of societal results and accomplishments, it would be very difficult not to see far superior results with freedom and prosperity, earned through Western Civilization.

Why Has the West Been So Successful? - YouTube 6 min


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