A Debate Between Newsom and DeSantis?

From the Desk of Kevin Kiley”

A debate between Newsom and Ron DeSantis has been announced for November 30 on Fox News. I’ve shared a list of ten questions to ask Newsom and am also planning a live fact check of his sophistry during the debate. The first 3 questions:

Why does California have the highest poverty rate in America?
Why does California have the most homeless in America?
Why does California have the lowest wage growth in America?
Why does California have the highest gas prices in America?
Why does California have the largest budget deficit in America?
Why does California have the widest educational achievement gaps in America?
Why did California shut down schools longer than any state in America?
Why does California have the second highest unemployment in America?
Why does California have the second worst roads in America?
Why does California have the most people leaving in America?

In other news, Newsom actually did something right yesterday: He signed SB 14. It was two months ago that I chided him for having “nothing to say about the Legislature voting that child trafficking is not a serious felony.” The next day, he came out in favor of the bill. Sometimes, public shaming works. 

Another example: Newsom just signed a brief urging the Supreme Court to reverse the 9th Circuit’s Boise decision, which is a barrier to clearing homeless encampments. Newsom of course just wants a scapegoat; still, Boise is a major problem and needs to be overruled.

On the other hand: the Legislature adjourned for the year without suspending the gas tax, even though gas prices in California are now $2 above the national average and 72 cents higher than the next closest state. Shaming has its limits when dealing with the truly shameless.

The Limits of Shame | Capitol Quagmire (electkevinkiley.com)


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