War on Second Amendment
The Democrat left has long been at war with our Constitution and in particular, the 2nd Amendment. They hate the private ownership of firearms. Insistently, they claim that more “gun control” will solve “gun violence.” The surest way to prove this would be to show studies of before and after gun control enactment. Instead, selected examples are offered, like England that enacted draconian gun laws in the 1920’s yet they had the same very low crime and murder rate before and after.
Our CA already has a vast array of anti-gun laws, still more are added every year. The left knows, through polling, that there is no possibility of repealing the 2A by Constitutional means. The current strategy is to layer one restrictive law on top of others. They hope to render ownership irrelevant.
Most recently, a Bloomberg financed group, calling themselves, “Moms Demand Action,” have been pressuring local communities to adopt ordinances called “safe storage.” What “safe storage” means is firearm disablement. All guns in homes and businesses must be kept unloaded and locked up in a state approved box or safe. This would render a firearm useless in an emergency such as a home invasion or robbery.
Walnut Creek, Lafyette, Orinda as well as Contra Costa County have enacted this ordinance. All should contact their town council members and warn them of this group. Danville rejected this by mobilization of residents.
We are in an era of Democrat inspired crime. We now live with no-cash bail, early release of deadly criminals and leftist DA’s that refuse to even charge criminals. To effectively disarm the populace is beyond all reason. We are now emersed in an era of free-range criminals.
Mark Fernwood
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pELwCqz2JfE 6 min