Alert! Help Stop AB 2098 That Would Punish Physicians

Liz Froelich, our legislative co-chair,  reports a bill has been introduced in the California legislature that, if passed, will limit and punish medical professionals from acting in the best of their patients.  For example, under AB 2098, physicians who advocate for the potential benefits of early treatment with off-label drugs, or who ask questions about COVID vaccine safety, could be charged with unprofessional conduct for promoting "misinformation or disinformation" and lose their medical license.

Physicians must not be coerced into blindly following the establishment "consensus" and refraining from entering into debate that is crucial to advancing both science and rational public health policies, reports the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. This law would be harmful to California patients, the integrity of the medical profession, and the welfare of the entire state, it states.

Liz asks you to take a few moments to send a message to your California legislators asking them to oppose AB 2098.  Just cut and paste this link into your browser for an easy form to forward to your representatives. Remember, the "Take Action" tab on our website has all of their contact information. 


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