Kiely: The 2022 Reckoning

By Kevin Kiley, Republican Assemblyman District 6, Congressional candidate District 3.

Two-thirds of swing voters say Democrats went "too far" in the COVID response. We are in for a reckoning of epic proportions.

That reckoning just arrived for three school board members in San Francisco. It will next be visited upon the city’s district attorney, who faces his own Recall in June. Gavin Newsom, with his cratering poll numbers, can see the writing on the wall.

As can our Legislature, apparently. The first shocking development is that my bill to repeal Prop. 47 (which reduced criminal penalties) will get a vote in two weeks. 

The second is the Senate has finally agreed to debate cutting off Newsom's emergency powers. While we didn't end the emergency before the Super Bowl, we succeeded in shaming the Legislature into action. 

This comes as students across California walked out to protest the mask mandate. Our young people have been treated monstrously, but they’ve shown remarkable grit. That's one reason I believe we are lightning a new spark of liberty. 

The country is at a crossroads: follow California’s disastrous path, or restore America's Founding principles. Our battles against Newsom and the Supermajority have shown us just how much is at stake.

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