California Passes Nation’s First Guaranteed Income Program


The California state legislature has passed a bill that guarantees a monthly income with no restrictions to foster children aging out of the system and for pregnant women. It is the first of its kind of funding at the state level. The measure passed 36-0 in the senate and 64-0 in the assembly yesterday and is now headed to Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom who is expected to sign it.

The plan involves local organizations who would apply for the funding to distribute and the state Department of Social Services to determine which groups receive the funding. While payment amounts were not given, similar local programs in the country usually range from $500 to $1,000 per month for recipients. The funds are to be loaded on to a charge card.

While no Republicans voted against the plan, one did abstain from voting. Assemblyman Vince Fong of Bakersfield said guaranteed income programs “undermine incentives to work and increase dependence on government.” He added, “We should be pushing policies that encourage the value of work. Guaranteed income doesn’t provide the job training and skills needed for upward mobility.”


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