Kiley’s “Recall Newsom” Book Now Available

Kevin Kiley

Kevin Kiley

Note: Kevin Kiley, the state representative for the 5th district comprised of suburban Sacramento, was guest speaker at the LRWF General Meeting in October. Below is his post today describing his new book.

By Kevin Kiley

The Recall Newsom Book is now available. You can get the E-version now or download a Sample, and the physical book is being prepared for shipment. It’s a couple hundred pages with 700 endnotes.

If you have friends who don’t share your political views but who you want to convince to support the Recall, this book is meant for them. As I say in the Introduction, it’s “for liberal Democrats just as much as conservative Republicans,” because “people of all political affiliations are against cruelty and corruption.”

The core of the book is Part II, “America’s Worst COVID-19” response. In assessing Newsom’s historic failure, each chapter focuses on one of its defining characteristics:

  • Self-promotional: Newsom treated the arrival of the coronavirus on our shores as the launch of his 2024 presidential campaign.

  • Lawless: To get his name in the headlines as quickly as possible, he fashioned himself in the mold of an ancient Roman dictator.

  • Corrupt: Newsom used the State of Emergency to richly reward the Special Interests that spent millions electing him.

  • Unscientific: Newsom's lockdowns have been denounced by experts as unscientific.

  • Partisan: Already America’s most partisan governor, Newsom took his divisiveness to perverse levels.

  • Hypocritical: The French Laundry scandal only scratched the surface.

  • Incompetent: He oversaw the country’s worst and most Orwellian unemployment office.

  • Neglectful: Amid Newsom’s publicity-seeking and political-calculating, he neglected the basics of a public health response.

Part III then presents an ”anti-Newsom roadmap” for repudiating everything he stands for and getting California on the right track.

Things are now moving very fast, and I believe these next few months could be among the most significant in our state’s history.


The Recall Newsom Gains Momentum


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