Liz’s Update: Action Needed To Stop Infanticide and More

Note: At the April General Meeting today Liz gave her legislative report, outlining some of the bad bills making their way through the state legislature.

By Liz Froelich, co-legislative chair

Your action is needed on the following bills.  Select 2 or 3 to oppose and contact your Assembly person and your Senator, as indicated.  Good common-sense bills authored by our Republican legislators have been blocked in committee or gutted for purpose of Democrat agenda.

AB 2223 Reproductive Health (Wicks) Opens the legal door to infanticide or post birth killing up to 28 days after birth (or perinatal life).  It passed out of Health Committee yesterday with Dems supporting and 3 Republicans opposing.  This in spite of some 390 individuals who individually opposed the bill during public comment time.  One hour was allowed for this. About 10 persons representing many other pro-abortion groups publicly supported it.   Going to Appropriation Committee and then to Assembly floor.  Needs phone calls to Assemblypersons Grayson and Bauer-Kahan now. See below for contacts.

AB 1797 Immunization Registry (A. Weber) Expands access to our records and erodes our privacy.  Heading for floor.  Again, contact your assemblyperson. Hearing in Health 4/26.

AB 1766 California Identification Cards For All (Stone) Requires Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a restricted identification card to an eligible applicant who is unable to submit satisfactory proof that his/her presence in the United State is authorized under federal law and if they provide satisfactory proof of identity and California residency.  If passed, the DMV would have to begin issuing them by January 2024. In Appropriation Committee.  Contact Assemblypersons to oppose.

AB 2098 Physicians and Surgeons: Unprofessional conduct (Low) Would criminalize medical actions or communiques with their patients for sharing Covid “misinformation.”  Passed out of Business and Professions with Grayson not voting.  Going to Appropriations.

SB 866  Minors-vaccine consent (Pan)    Would allow minor children 12 and up to consent to Covid vaccine.  In Senate Judiciary.

SB 871 Public Health: immunizations (Pan) Expands required vaccine list for school entry to include Covid 19 vaccine.   Pending in Health Committee.

SB 1479 Covid Testing in Schools (Pan) Requires schools to continue testing staff and pupils in spite of PCR tests not accepted now. Hearing in Assembly Education 4/27.

Assemblyman Tim Grayson: 916-319-2014/ 925-521-1511. Committees: Banking-Chairman/ Business and Professions/Insurance/Revenue and Taxation

Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan: 916-319-2016/925-244-1600.    Committees: Banking/ Environment/Privacy and Consumer/Utilities

Senator Steve Glazer: 916-651-4007/ 925-256-1176.  Committees: Elections and Constitutional Amendments-Chairman/Agriculture/Education/Governmental Organization/Insurance


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