Liz’s July Legislative Update
By Liz Froelich, LRWF legislative chair
Here are the four urgent bills that need your help to defeat as well as one to support.
AB 223 Change of gender and sex identifier bill would restrict parents from seeing information changes of their children under 18 as considered confidential by court. 3rd reading on Senate floor.
AB 665 Minors: Consent to Mental health. Amends personnel who can counsel under 18 yr olds. Includes registered psychologist or assistant or trainee; assistant clinical worker or social worker trainee. Senate floor.
AB 957 Family Law: gender Identity will be heard on the Senate floor. Custody battles would favor parent affirming child's chosen gender.
AB 1078 Instructional materials: diversity will be heard in Senate Education Committee on July 5. CA Board of Education only allowed to remove "diversity" materials, not local school boards.
Please call Senator Glazer (below) all as soon as possible and urge a NO vote on all of these bills.
SB 14 Serious Felonies by Republican Shannon Grove will be heard July 11 in Assembly Public Safety. Urge Grayson and Bauer-Kahan to support.
Assemblyman Tim Grayson/916-319-2014 or local 521-1511/ PO Box 942849, Sacramento 94249
Assemblywoman Rebecca Bauer-Kahan /916-319-2016 or local 328-1515/ State Capitol, Sacramento 95814
Senator Steve Glazer / 916-651-4007 or local 258-1176/ State Capitol Rm 5108, Sacramento 95814 Register with username and password and submit your position letter as individual to communicate your views to committees. Post one week in advance for listing on committee analyses.