Happy Fourth In Orinda!

Katey Bonderud and Eve Gordon

Denise Gianni and Anne Harris

Lamorinda Republican Women joined the Fourth of July Celebration in Orinda today. Led by President Patt Mayer, volunteers set up and manned a table in the section of non-profit tables. Mayer said she was “elated” at the positive response she received.

“Many thanks to Eve, Patsy, Denise, Anne, Katey and Wayne who volunteered today. It was very successful and we received a lot of positive comments,” reports Mayer. “Katey brought the most beautiful children’s gifts including big, strap on butterfly wings for young girls, dozens of bottles of bubbles to blow, and Fourth of July sticks to wave. Eve, Denise and Wayne brought candies and goodies to hand out,” she said.

“Wayne was stopping everyone who walked by with the legislative handout that Liz had prepared for us ,” said Mayer. Both men and women visitors filled out membership forms, and all the forms were gone by the time the event was over.


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