Newsom Recall Tops 1.8 Million Signatures


A special election in the effort to recall California Governor Gavin Newsom will likely be held this fall, according to Randy Economy, leader of the recall movement. Economy explained today on Fox’s Mornings With Maria that once the required signatures are counted a special election will be triggered under the state’s constitution and held in October or November of this year.

As of this morning, RecallGavin2020 has reached 1,825,000 signatures, superseding the required 1.5 million needed to initiate a recall, with nearly three weeks still to go. However, some lawmakers are concerned that many ballots will be invalidated in an attempt to undermine the recall effort. Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., said yesterday that Democrats have a lot of “tricks up their sleeves” in terms of legal pathways to fight the recall the the legitimacy of the signatures. “It’s pretty clear they are going to be scrutinized and thrown out in large number by the Democrat establishment in California,” Issa said. Nonetheless, he remains optimistic. “I feel pretty darn confident that we’re going to get this thing on the ballot this summer.”


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