School Initiative Offers Parents The Freedom To Choose

Some 1.5 million petition signatures are needed by April 11, 2022 to have the school choice initiative placed on the ballot for the November 2022 election. This plan, known as the Education Freedom Act, is both simple and revolutionary.  If passed, California will become the first state to enact universal school choice.

Here are the key points:

1. The funding would follow the student based on parental choice. The state would be required to pay annual voucher payment starting at $14,000 per year per student into an Education Savings Account for K-12 students attending religious, private or home schools. 

2. The state would be prevented from requiring religious or other private or home schools from meeting certain requirements such as those related to teacher qualifications and curriculum (i.e., equity/critical race theory) as a condition of funding.

3. Any unspent funds in the student’s Education Savings Account will accumulate and can be spent on college or vocational training.

Why do we need school choice?

This initiative is sponsored by California For School Choice, a Pasadena-baed group. In stating its purpose, the group notes: “Education is critical to empowering individuals, breaking cycles of poverty, and reducing income inequalities….California public schools, once among the best, now are among the worst in the country. Families are leaving the system at record rates.” California public schools now rank 48 out of the 50 states. For more information, visit 


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