Support Transformative Initiatives

Several transformative initiatives will be on the November 2022 ballot. After they are cleared through the Secretary of State’s office this fall, supporters will have 180 days to collect the required number of signatures to place them on the ballot. To look up the full list of initiatives, visit , click on the Elections tab and scroll to the bottom to see “Ballot Measures”. Here’s a summary of some of the key initiatives.

SCHOOL CHOICE. This would let funding follow the child based on parental choice. It would require the state to pay yearly, annual voucher payments of $14,000 into education savings accounts for K through 12 students attending religious and private or home schools. It would prevent the state from requiring religious or other private schools from meeting certain requirements such as those related to curriculum (i.e., equity/critical race theory) as a condition of funding. This initiative, called the Educational Freedom Act, is sponsored by Californians For School Choice. In its statement of purpose, the group points out that “Education is critical to empowering individuals, breaking cycles of poverty, and reducing income inequalities.” It noted that California public schools, once among the best, are now among the worst in the nation. Families are leaving the system at record rates.”

LOCAL LAND USE. Started by the mayor of Redondo Beach and backed by a bi-partisan group of elected officials and proponents, this initiative would protect local control of zoning, land-use and development. Two bills signed into law by Governor Newsom in September, which take effect Jan. 1, 2022, remove local control away from towns and cities and gives it to the state, effectively ending single-family zoning, among other things. For instance one allows for the construction of up to four housing units on land that was formerly designated for a single unit, without the approval of local authorities.The other measure allows for the construction of developments with up to 14 housing units in neighborhoods zoned for single-family homes, with access to public transportation.  This initiative would provide that any county or city ordinance or regulation that regulates the zoning or use of land within its boundaries will not be a state affair—with a few exceptions such as the Coastal Act. For more information: 

VOTER INTEGRITY. The California Election Integrity initiative would require voter ID, among other things. The initiative points out that too many Californians “have little confidence in the integrity of our elections because our voter registration rolls are not adequately maintained, officials have distributed a significant number of ballots in error, and current policies do not provide for proper verification of an individual’s identity and eligibility to vote in an election.” The initiative addresses all three concerns. This is sponsored by Reform California. .

Other initiatives that would be transformative:

Water Storage - End the era of fallow fields and shorter showers

Death Tax Repeal - Restore the protection of Proposition 13

Anti Corruption - End government union collective bargaining

Accurate Ballot - Assure accurate descriptions of propositions


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