Denice Gary-Pandol Discusses Unequal Justice System
Rachel Astrachan, Steve Astrachan, Liz Summer, and Candidate for US Senate, Denice Gary-Pandol
By Katey Bonderud
At our April 20, 2023 Luncheon, Denice Gary-Pandol, candidate for US Senate (the seat that Diane Feinstein will vacate), came to speak to LRW. She spoke about the indictment of former President Trump and the unequal justice system, pointing out that during her time having a top-secret clearance with the CIA, if she were to have kept top secret documents in her garage, as our current president has done, she would still be in jail.
Denice encouraged us to support, financially if we can, the conservative groups that are advocating for truth and justice:
Judicial Watch (President: Tom Fitton; website: Home | Judicial Watch)
American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ; website: American Center for Law and Justice (
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF; website: Alliance Defending Freedom (
America First Legal (AFL; website: America First Legal - America First Legal (
Denice discussed the water maintenance and storage issues we have in CA. Being from Kern County, where farmers provide over 400 commodities. She interacts often with farmers all across the state and hears from them firsthand the issues they are experiencing in having adequate access to water—water that is flushed out to the ocean as soon as it falls from the sky (or is release from snow melt) as opposed to being stored for future use. She hears from farmers how they have had to plow under fields and ranchers that have had to slaughter livestock due to lack of adequate water. As a US Senator, Denice will advocate for legislation that would require states to have responsible water infrastructure. Do her opponents, Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, even know or care about the water issues we are experiencing. It is doubtful.
Denice pointed out that the Salton Sea in Southern California has much of the Lithium ore that we need for batteries. She would advocate for divesting from China for our dependency on them for batteries, by mining for those minerals that we need here in the US.
Denice is also an advocate of Nuclear Energy, the cleanest and cheapest energy form available. Instead of closing our nuclear plants, she would advocate for innovation in how to make this source even safer. Or leading in the push to make the US energy independent using our abundant Natural Gas, which is the cleanest in the world given how strict our regulations are.
Denice pointed out that at any point, Iran could close the Strait of Hormuz, meaning that our oil supply from Saudi Arabia and Iraq would be cut off. If that happens, there will be zero chance that we would be able to compete in any future world war. She educated us that 80% of the oil needed for us to be victorious in WWI and WWI was from the US. She would join other republican legislators who are pushing for the US to become energy independent again.
Denice talked about her push for school choice. She would push to disallow any federal funding for any educational institution that teaches gender dysphoria. She suggests an Educational Savings Account for parents so they can choose which school they want their child to attend.
Denice talks about how the Democratic Cartels have brought back slavery to the US in that the open border, that the Democrats support, allows for the drug cartels to sell illegal immigrants into slavery—both sex trafficking and in doing hard labor to pay off the cartels for their passage into the US. Democrats are encouraging and promoting slavery through the allowing of open borders. She would push to close the borders and shut down human slave trafficking.
When asked how we in CA can get our republican candidates into office, Denice encourage ballot harvesting (help those who cannot vote get their ballot in); precinct walking; reaching out to our local churches, synagogues, and mosques. She asks for our support in helping her get her name out, as well as for donations.